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JNCASR Library Online Catalogue

Some interesting features of this catalogue

  • Table of Contents and coverpages of books
  • Newly arrived books
  • Google book previews

Each library member has an online catalogue profile wherein following operations are enabled (login id and password can be collected from library):
  • Viewing the loaned books in your account
  • Fines
  • Due dates
  • Making a purchase suggestion
More features can be explored by logging into the online catalogue.

Kindly send your feedback about this new online catalogue interface to nabonita AT jncasr.ac.in

Use Cart to create a list of items you want to borrow. To create reading lists use the Lists.

For harvesters: The OAI baseURL of our Koha Online Catalogue is: https://lib.jncasr.ac.in:8081/cgi-bin/koha/oai.pl/request

Log in to your account:

© 2024 JNCASR Library,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,Bangaluru
Koha Version 24.05